Graduate School of Medicine
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Admission Information

International Postgraduate Program(IPP)

Overview of the Graduate School of Medicine
Doctoral Program in Medicine
Kansai Medical University Graduate School of Medicine established its Doctoral Program in 1961. It now has 64 research fields in division of medicine. Previously, research guidance was left to laboratories of graduate students. However, organizational restructuring and revision of the curriculum in 2016 led to the introduction of a new system where the Graduate School of Medicine provides guidance on research and technology and manages the progress of research. Students will broaden their horizons and acquire expertise through the curriculum of “Course Work” to acquire extensive knowledge and skills required for medical research transcending the boundaries of research fields and “Research Work” to receive individual research guidance in each research field.
Furthermore, the International Postgraduate Program has started in 2022. It accepts talented students recommended by partner universities and other institutions in various countries, and aim to nurture leaders who can contribute to medicine and medical care on an international level.
Master’s Program in Medical Sciences
The Master’s Program in Medical Sciences was established in April 2021. The Master’s Program in Medical Sciences fosters professionals who will support future healthcare, and consists of three research fields: Advanced Medical Sciences aiming to foster professionals who can conduct advanced and global research in the fields of medicine and biology; Genomic Medical Sciences aiming to foster professionals with expertise in life science and information science and who can promote personalized medicine and preventive medicine based on genomic information; and Medical Engineering aiming to foster professionals who can utilize medical engineering in life support and biological reconstruction.
Striving to Enhance the Quality of Education and Research
The Faculty of Medicine Building on the Hirakata Campus accommodates joint research facilities equipped with cutting-edge devices in wide-ranging fields and state-of-the-art animal experimentation facilities, as well as the Clinical Research Support Center. Directly connected to the KMU Hospital, it is an ideal environment in which to perform both basic research and clinical research.
With excellent facilities and instructors, the Graduate School will foster doctors and researchers with highly specialized knowledge and research capabilities who will take up leadership positions in the Doctoral Program and advanced specialists with a rich sense of humanity and extensive knowledge and skills who can play active roles in increasingly diverse medical and healthcare-related fields.