Academic Research Facilities
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Near InfraRed Photo-ImmunoTherapy Research Institute,Photoimmunotherapy Center
Accelerating photoimmunotherapy research through both clinical experience and academic expertise
Near InfraRed Photo-ImmunoTherapy Research Institute
Near InfraRed Photo-ImmunoTherapy Research Institute opened in April 2022 is the first research institute of photoimmunotherapy, the latest radical treatment for cancer, in Japan. It is led by Dr. Hisataka Kobayashi, Distinguished Professor (Senior Investigator, at the U.S. National Institute of Health) as the Director, who developed photoimmunotherapy. As a research institute to facilitate basic research and clinical treatment related to photoimmunotherapy, it aims to become the central site for photoimmunotherapy research in Japan, and it is equipped with the latest devices for photoimmunotherapy. With a total floor space of about 1,660 m2 in the Faculty of Medicine Building on the Hirakata Campus, it consists of three divisions: the “Division of Fundamental Technology Development” to conduct basic research such as the development and evaluation of novel drugs for photoimmunotherapy, the “Division of Immunology” aiming to develop future antibody therapies and vaccines by analyzing the immune response following photoimmunotherapy in detail, and the “Division of Tumor Pathology” to study pathology by comparing tissues from laboratory animals and patients after photoimmunotherapy. We plan to build a suitable environment as the central site for photoimmunotherapy research by allocating appropriate personnel and further expanding our facilities and increasing our equipment to conduct joint research with researchers in Japan and overseas. We will also conduct joint research with universities and research institutes as well as companies to contribute to the development of photoimmunotherapy devices and equipment. The Photoimmunotherapy Center is a department of KMU Hospital to perform photoimmunotherapy, so the Near InfraRed Photo-ImmunoTherapy Research Institute also plays a role in supporting photoimmunotherapy in clinical practice at KMU Hospital. We are also considering the clinical use of photoimmunotherapy at KMU Hospital in order to provide better treatment based on the results of basic research at the Research Institute. Data obtained from clinical specimens is precious and will greatly contribute to advances in photoimmunotherapy
Photoimmunotherapy Center
KMU Hospital’s Photoimmunotherapy Center, a specialized entity performing “head and neck treatment with Alluminox,” was established in April 2021. The Center has opened a specialized outpatient department to determine the indications for photoimmunotherapy, to provide treatment, and to manage patient prognosis. Treatment was started in July 2021. Photoimmunotherapy is a revolutionary therapy that is attracting attention as the fifth major treatment for cancer following surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and immunotherapy. The establishment of the Center enables the provision of photoimmunotherapy as well as the collection of patient data. This should advance research in various aspects such as improvement of safety and surgical procedures so that treatment can be covered by health insurance and it can be used to treat cancers other than refractory recurrent head and neck cancer in the future. With the opening of the Near InfraRed Photo-ImmunoTherapy Research Institute, we will conduct research to further enhance therapeutic effect, while the Photoimmunotherapy Center provides patients with treatment. Through coordination and collaboration between KMU Hospital Photoimmunotherapy Center and the Near InfraRed Photo-ImmunoTherapy Research Institute, we will strive to provide photoimmunotherapy for many cancer patients as early as possible.

Institute of Biomedical Science
Developing Radical Treatments with Extensive Facilities
The Institute of Biomedical Science conducts medical research to explore biological phenomena, elucidate the pathogenesis of disease, and develop radical treatments. The Institute started with the Department of Molecular Genetics, the Department of Biological Information, and the Department of Animal Models. The Department of Functional Neuroscience Genetics was established in AY 2015, the Department for Medical Control of the Stress Response in AY 2016, the Department of Genome Analysis and the Department of Genome Editing in AY 2018, and the Laboratory for Cancer Biology in AY 2021. Through collaboration with shared research divisions of the Central Research Center, the Laboratory Animal Center, and the Radioisotope Research Center, the Institute manages and operates the facilities and provides guidance on the use of devices and animal care to users at KMU. After the campus relocated in AY 2013, conditions were further improved with the establishment of clinical central research facilities within the Institute.

Central Research Center
Shared Experimental Facilities Supporting Research at KMU
The Central Research Center is a shared experimental facility with devices ranging from general-purpose ones to the latest ones. Located on the 5th and 6th floors of the North Building of the Faculty of Medicine Building on the Hirakata Campus, the Center has open laboratory-style clinical central research center, imaging devices including confocal microscopes and electron microscopes, flow cytometry devices including 5 analyzers and 3 cell sorters, mass spectrometers, biochemistry devices including next-generation sequencers, 3D printers, and a P3 laboratory. Taking into consideration of research environment changing with eras, new models are proactively introduced, and models are constantly updated. Five dedicated engineers manage research devices and support users to allow smooth access to devices. In addition, meetings of user representatives are regularly held with participation by representatives of each department for fair and democratic operations. The biobank started operation in AY 2021.

Laboratory Animal Center
Maintaining an Appropriate Environment for Laboratory Animals
The Laboratory Animal Center provides an environment to ensure socially and scientifically appropriate animal experiments and to care for breeds, and control laboratory animals. Even in a modern age in which life is understood at the level of molecules and cells, an analysis of individual level by using laboratory animals plays an important role in life science research. At KMU, animal experiments also yielded many revolutionary outcomes in fields such as regenerative medicine, immunology, neuroscience, and stem cell biology. Genetically modified animals are expected to be increasingly used continuously in the future, so we will strive to further expand the facilities and equipment, and maintain and improve living conditions while paying sufficient attention to growing social awareness of the need to protect animals.

Radioisotope Research Center
Supporting and Thoroughly Managing the Use of Radioisotopes
The Radioisotope Research Center is a shared facility where radioisotopes and radiation generators can be used for research purposes. The shared facilities are the Radioisotope Research Center (5F) and gamma-ray irradiation facilities (8F) of the Faculty of Medicine Building on the Hirakata Campus. The facilities have equipment for SPECT/CT and radioscopy/fluoroscopy and an animal care facility within a controlled area. The Center enables long-term evaluation of the biological distribution of novel radioactive drugs and the response to treatment in biological molecular imaging studies and the imaging of biological molecules labeled with radioisotopes in nuclear medicine. In March 2019, the Center obtained a license from the Nuclear Regulation Authority to use alpha-rays-emitting nuclides (At-211 and Ac-225), becoming one of the few shared facilities where animal experiments in nuclear medicine can be performed using alpha-ray-emitting nuclides. The Center strives to establish legislation and conditions to safely conduct research using radiation and aims to establish a conducive and advanced system for research support.

Center for Clinical Research
Centralized Support for Clinical Research at Four KMU Hospitals
The Center for Clinical Research was established in April 2015 to promote clinical research and contribute to the further development of medical care at the four KMU hospitals. The Center has a support system to advance all facets of clinical research conducted at the four KMU hospitals.
The Center consists of an administrative office and five divisions: the Education, Training and Auditing Division responsible for promoting research through education and audits; the Research Promotion Division responsible for supporting implementation of research by the CRCs; the Research Planning Division responsible for consulting and coaching on study protocols for fruitful research; the Medical Statistics Division to provide researchers with statistical knowledge ; and the Data Management Division responsible for data management and monitoring for quality control.

iPS/Stem Cell Research Support Center
Enhancing the Research Standards for Human Pluripotential Stem Cells and Promoting Their Medical Use
The iPS/Stem Cell Research Support Center was established in April 2019 to raise the standards for research using human pluripotential stem cells (iPS cells/ES cells) and to promote their medical use. To promote, support, and develop technology for human pluripotential stem cells, the Center creates and stores disease-specific iPS cells, it provides technical guidance, and it supports the development of fundamental technologies. The Center promotes the creation of an environment for clinical researchers and joint research within and outside the university to facilitate the development of therapies for rare and intractable diseases.