Further Evolving as the University’s 100th Anniversary Approaches
Further Evolving as the University’s 100th Anniversary Approachesrsary
Kansai Medical University was established in 1928 (3rd year of Showa era) under the founding spirit of “Cultivating Doctors Motivated by Benevolence, Compassion, and Empathy.” In 2018, it marked its 90th anniversary since its foundation.
KMU has made steady progress: the KMU Hospital (former KMU Hirakata Hospital) was established in 2006; the KMU Kori Hospital was established in 2010; KMU’s administration was transferred to the site adjacent to KMU Hospital in 2013; the former KMU Takii Hospital was opened as the KMU Medical Center in 2016; and KMU Kuzuha Hospital opened in 2018. The year 2018 marked KMU’s 90th anniversary. That year, we held a commemoration ceremony, lectures, and banquet. As commemorative projects, we officially opened the KMU Medical Center and established the Faculty of Nursing and the Graduate School of Nursing; we also built the Makino Auditorium (Martial Arts Arena). In April 2021, we established the Master’s Program in the Graduate School of Medicine and the Faculty of Rehabilitation on the Makino Campus, which is the birthplace of KMU. Moreover, KMU Tower was completed in January 2022 in the lot adjacent to the Faculty of Nursing Building on the Hirakata Campus,. The Tower houses the Center for Global Engagement, housing for international students, and the KMU Tower Hotel, which opened in June 2022. In April 2022, we established the Near InfraRed Photo-ImmunoTherapy Research Institute consisting of three departments (the Research Support Division, the Immunology Division, and the Tumor Pathology Division) and an administrative division. The Research Institute aims to establish new cancer therapy as a base for photoimmunotherapy research. In November 2022, we opened the Kuzuha Health Promotion and Physical Examination Center, a preventive medical care facility, in the station-building at Kuzuha Station on the Keihan Railway. We will continue to evolve by building the KMU Hospital annex, renovating the West Building of the KMU Medical Center.
KMU Hospital annex