KMU Kuzuha Hospital
KMU Kuzuha Hospital

Providing Medical Care, Rehabilitation, and Nursing Care in Everyday Life
Hospital Overview
KMU Kuzuha Hospital, conveniently accessible (7-minute walk) from Kuzuha Station on the Keihan Line, is a mixed care hospital with a general acute-stage ward, beds for community-based integrated care, and a rehabilitation ward for recovery. The Hospital is particularly focused on rehabilitation care.
The opening of the KMU Kuzuha Hospital in January 2018 allowed this facility to offer severe acute-phase medical care that KMU Hospital and KMU Medical Center provided; in addition, it enabled close cooperation between medical and nursing care so that patients in recovery can comfortably return to their familiar towns and homes as quickly as possible. Specifically, we will effectively utilize facilities such as the Visiting Nurses' Station and Day Care Center to provide the best medical care and nursing care in cooperation with local medical facilities and nursing care facilities so that patients who complete acute-stage treatment can return to the community or home.
Moreover, the medical care system for early evening consultations has been improved for the convenience of outpatients after work or school and outpatient consultations by specialists mainly in orthopedics has been enhanced. KMU Kuzuha Hospital offers excellent medical services and is also as a venue for precious training where medical students and residents can learn medical care in recovery.